Re: [8lgm]-Advisory-14.UNIX.SCO-prwarn.12-Nov-1994

Tim Scanlon (
Sat, 3 Dec 1994 23:57:42 -0500 (EST)

> Thats obscurity, get off this list.  You could have posted them anonymously.
	No, it's called contractual obligation. Some of the stuff would have
	pointed straight at me... No could do either ethicly or practicly.
> There's just as many people who vehermently object to having full disclosure
> as well.  If you don't like our service, stop requesting information from
> our fileserver.
	You missed my point entirely, I think. I am pro-disclosure damnit.
	furthermore, I mailed this like 5 days ago... It only NOW got out,
	long after the situation had changed. 

> I don't accept that, you have no proof of that.
	Only my personal experiences, and what I've seen with other people
	in the same boat.

> You can't stop people with physical access gaining 'r00t'.
	No, ya really can't. but you can make it hard & audited.

> Stop requesting the little turds from our fileserver then.  To save you
> getting our crap, we won't be posting advisories to bugtraq in the future.
	When I posted this, you wern't dealing with thigs with the same resolution
	level you are now. if the fileservers THE alternative, I'll use it.
	I still think summary information to the list might be a good deal,
	but not a large relativly empty report on it in the prior format
	you'd used.

	You've missed the point entirely that what I got annoyed with was
	a change from rock solid useful information to stuff that wsa relativly
	vaporous. I like what you WERE doing, and am frustrated by your seeming
	need to backtrack on it.

> Sorry you feel that way, I won't lose any sleep over your worthless comments
> Tim.
	You enjoy getting the same information 5 diffrent times buried in 
	diffrently titled mailings? I don't... but hey diffrent strokes.

> You're not related to Pat are you?
	No but I guess I can go off on par with him when I get pissed... ;)

	Tim Scanlon

________________________________________________________________             Tim Scanlon
George mason University                 Yes, my opinions are		ALWAYS my own.